

Several services run on the Kubernetes system of RISKEN.

Here we will explain the architecture.


The following is the architecture when built on AWS EKS.

Kubernetes Architecture

Micro Services

We will explain the main microservices that run within the RISKEN system.


Namespace Service Description Memo
gateway gateway API Gateway that routes to each service and performs authentication and authorization. Access via the internet is done through the Gateway service.
gateway web Delivers static content for the console screen.


Namespace Service Description Memo
core core API service related to IAM (Identity and Access Management), Finding, Project, Alert, and Report.


Namespace Service Description Memo
datasource datasource-api Calls for various data sources settings and scans such as AWS, Google, Diagnosis, OSINT, and Code.


Namespace Service Description Memo
datasource guard-duty Performs scans of GuardDuty.
datasource admin-checker Scanner that specializes in checking privileges of IAM users and roles.
datasource access-analyzer Performs scans of AccessAnalyzer.
datasource cloudsploit Performs scans using CloudSploit tool.
datasource portscan Performs port scans on AWS resources.


Namespace Service Description Memo
datasource asset Performs scans mainly on IAM and Storege using GCP Asset API.
datasource scc Performs scans of GCP Security Command Center (SCC).
datasource cloudsploit Performs scans using CloudSploit tool.
datasource portscan Performs port scans on GCP resources.


Namespace Service Description Memo
datasource wpscan Performs scans using WP Scan tool.
datasource application-scan Performs scans using OWASP ZAP tool.
datasource portscan Performs port scans.


Namespace Service Description Memo
datasource subdomain Collects domain information and performs scans using OSINT tools.
datasource website Collects website information from URLs and performs scans using OSINT tools.


Namespace Service Description Memo
datasource gitleaks Performs scans for secrets using Gitleaks tool.
datasource dependency Performs scans for vulnerabilities included in packages.