

Enabling the CloudSploit data source collects the results of analysis done on CloudSploit , an open-source tool developed by AquaSecurity .

What is CloudSploit?
  • CloudSploit is an open-source CSPM tool published by AquaSecurity .
  • Refer to the GitHub for a list of items detected by CloudSploit.


When importing data into RISKEN, the following metadata is added:

Item Description
DataSource google:cloudsploit (fixed)
ResourceName The name of the detected asset.
Description Description
Score Refer to Scoring
Tag google gcp cloudsploit {compliance mark} {project ID} {plugin name} {Well-Architected tag}

* Refer to the /risken/well_architected page for details on how to use the Well-Architected tag.


  • CloudSploit's analysis results do not include score information.
  • Only status information such as PASS (no risk) or FAIL (problem exists) for each check item (plugin) can be confirmed. Refer to Result Codes for more information.

    CloudSploit Status
    • 0: PASS: No risk
    • 1: WARN: There may be a setting mistake, or there is a problem, but it is not immediately necessary to respond.
    • 2: FAIL: There is risk
    • 3: UNKNOWN: (Failed to execute the API due to insufficient IAM permissions, etc.)
  • However, it is difficult to determine the level of risk for each check item and checking all alerts requires a large amount of effort.

  • Therefore, when importing to RISKEN, scoring is performed based on the following logic to examine problems that should be prioritized (Refer to Plugin scoring for details).
    • *Of course, it is also possible to check all FAIL results.
graph TD A[Start] --> B{{Status `OK`?}}; B -->|YES| C[Score: 0.0]:::unknown; B -->|NO| D{{Status `UNKNOWN`?}}; D -->|YES| E[Score: 0.1]:::low; D -->|NO| F{{Status `WARN`?}}; F -->|YES| G[Score: 0.3]:::low; F -->|NO| H{{Status `FAIL`?}}; H -->|YES| I[Score: <plugin score>]:::unknown; H -->|NO| J[Score: 0.0]:::unknown; classDef high fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#C2185B,stroke-width:4px; classDef mid fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#F57C00,stroke-width:4px; classDef low fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#4DB6AC,stroke-width:4px; classDef unknown fill:#FFFFFF,stroke:#BDBDBD,stroke-width:4px;

Scoring by plugin

When a check item (plugin) in CloudSploit is marked as FAIL, the score will depend on the plugin.

Additionally, compliance tags such as CIS and PCIDSS are attached to the plugins.

  • All plugins not listed below will receive a score of 0.3
  • The scores listed here are the latest versions.
Category Plugin Score Compliance Tag Memo
BigQuery datasetAllUsersPolicy 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
CloudSQL dbPubliclyAccessible 0.8 hipaa, pci
CloudSQL dbAutomatedBackups 0.6 Updated 2021/11/01
CloudSQL serverCertificateRotation 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
CloudSQL storageAutoIncreaseEnabled 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
GCE connectSerialPortsDisabled 0.6 Updated 2021/11/01
GCE deprecatedImages 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
GCE instanceLeastPrivilege 0.6 pci
GCE instancePublicAccess 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
GCE publicDiskImages 0.8 Updated 2022/12/19
GCS bucketAllUsersPolicy 0.6 Updated 2021/08/04
GKE loggingEnabled 0.6 hipaa Updated 2021/06/17
GKE clusterLeastPrivilege 0.6 Updated 2021/11/01
KMS kmsPublicAccess 0.8 Updated 2022/12/19
IAM corporateEmailsOnly 0.8
IAM serviceAccountAdmin 0.6
IAM serviceAccountUser 0.6 Updated 2021/06/17
VPC Network openAllPorts 0.8 hipaa, pci
VPC Network openCassandra 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openCassandraClient 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openCassandraInternode 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openCassandraMonitoring 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openCassandraThrift 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openCustomPorts 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openCIFS 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openDNS 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openDocker 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openElasticsearch 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openFTP 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openHadoopNameNode 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openHadoopNameNodeWebUI 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openInternalWeb 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openKibana 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openLDAP 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openLDAPS 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openMemcached 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openMongo 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openMsSQL 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openMySQL 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openNetBIOS 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openOracle 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openOracleAutoDataWarehouse 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openPostgreSQL 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openRedis 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openRDP 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openRPC 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openSalt 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openSMBoTCP 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openSMTP 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openSQLServer 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openSSH 0.6
VPC Network openTelnet 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openVNCClient 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19
VPC Network openVNCServer 0.6 Updated 2022/12/19